Dive Right Into Lake Fairlee!

Camp Billings is set on a large waterfront property on pristine Lake Fairlee, Vermont. Every day, campers have access to this amazing resource and have the opportunity to participate in a variety of exciting, fun and challenging water activities. These include Waterskiing, Wakeboarding, Sailing, Canoeing, Row Boating, Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Diving, Snorkeling, Waterpolo, Swim Team, Water Dodgeball, and Fishing. Once or twice per session, we will do Inner Tube Rides behind the motor boat.

Note: Campers must be 10 years or older to waterski, wakeboard, or tube.

Each day, campers take swimming lessons in the morning. Campers are placed in groups according to their skill level. Swimming lessons is the only mandatory activity, and to be honest, they are so fun that we call them Funning Lessons! We believe developing skills in the water is an important skill and allows campers to make the most of our other waterfront activities. Funning lessons are taught by our highly capable lifeguard certified waterfront staff.
