Working at Billings is an Exciting Experience!
Typically over 90% of our staff apply to return the following summer. It is a great opportunity to improve the lives of and leave a lasting imprint on hundreds of campers each summer while having an incredible experience yourself.
Counselors-in-training: Click here for full job description
For those who want to join our staff and are entering 11th/12th grade we have a specially designed 2-year training program for Counselors in Training (CITs).
As a first-year CIT you will learn the basics of how to properly interact with campers and be a staff member. While your first year is a voluntary/unpaid position, we do provide community service hours for your work.
Our second-year program is designed to help you learn the ins+outs of operating programs and leadership while honing your campership skills on your journey to becoming a full Senior Counselor.
All CITs will operate under the supervision of the CIT Director who will provide guidance, training, feedback, and manage your development.
Senior counselors: Click here for full job description
Our Cabin counselors are typically made up of college-age leaders from all over the world. Though most were campers here at Billings, we purposefully leave plenty of room for outside hires to bring new perspectives and energies to our small camp.
Our counselors are selected based on their maturity, creativity, enthusiasm, flexibility, and dedication to providing a fun experience for all our campers. All staff complete a week of training the week before camp begins where we focus on safety and responsibility. Our staff receive ongoing training that helps them manage camper interactions to prevent homesickness or bullying, and foster cabin bonding. Training modules include: CPR/First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, conversations in support of diversity & equity, program/cabin management.