Sports of All Kinds are a Big Part of Life at Camp Billings.
We offer lots of team sports like Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Street Hockey, and Baseball. We also love to play games like Frisbee Golf, Bocce, Beach Volleyball, and Bur-ball (a variation on Volleyball where there is no net, and the ball must bounce once on the other team’s court before anyone can touch it. It’s so much fun that the staff regularly have their own games during their free time.)

Let’s not forget about Tennis and Pickleball! The Billings Open is one of our most popular competitions. Campers and staff all play together and it is great fun to watch as well!

To add to the fun, we have ‘inter-camp’ competitions either here at Billings, or away at other nearby camps. We proudly wear our blue Camp Billings t-shirts to cheer on our athletes!
On the Saturday of 3rd session, Camp Billings hosts the Round The Lake Race. Anyone is welcome to register for this race, which starts at the white gates of Camp Billings and ends on our Upper Ball Field. It’s a 10K course, and let me tell you, it’s not easy going up Potato Hill! But it is great fun, and people of all skill-levels love to participate. You can run, bike, or walk!

Athletics counselors on staff can help you keep up with your coach’s off-season training program while at camp.
Jr. Program is specially designed for our littlest campers. Each day, the Jr Program offers a different fun activity such as slip ‘n’ slide, marshmallow tower building, science experiments, egg drops, sand castle building, face painting and so much more.